Professional waste container cleaning for organizations

In many businesses and organizations, hygiene is critical. VCS-PCC is ready for all organizations that value hygiene.

Do you want fresh and hygienic waste containers without unpleasant odor all the time? We thoroughly clean and disinfect your company’s dumpsters at a competitive price!

For whom

  • Company restaurants
  • Pubs
  • Facility Service Providers
  • Gardeners
  • Organizations with branches in multiple locations in the Netherlands
  • Restaurants
  • Dirt haulers/waste disposers
  • Shopping malls
  • Housing cooperatives
  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare institutions

External stakeholders, such as the Labor Inspectorate, the Environmental Protection Agency, your neighbors and/or business association and certainly your municipality and province, are more than happy when you have your dumpster cleaned in a professional and environmentally friendly manner! VCS-PCC is your partner!

Do you or your cleaning company wish to use VCS-PCC as a subcontractor?

You can! We already work on behalf of various waste collection companies, cleaning companies and facility service providers. Please contact us for more information by email to or using the form on the Contact Us page.